DOPOM: libmatthew-java – Unix socket API and bindings for Java

While looking at the “action needed”-paragraph of one of my packages, I saw that a dependency was orphaned and needed a new maintainer. So I decided to restart DOPOM (Debian Orphaned Package Of the Month), that I started in 2012 with ent as the first package.

This month I adopted libmatthew-java. Sure it was not a big deal as the QA-team already did a good job and kept the package in shape. But now there is one burden lifted from their shoulders.

According to the Work-Needing and Prospective Packages page 956 packages are ophaned at the moment. If every Debian contributor grabs one of them, we could unwind the QA-team (no, just kidding). So similar to NEW which was down to 0 this year, can we get rid of the WNPP as well? At least for a short time?