DTPOM: lots of stuff for Debian Med

April has been the month of new packages. I had a look at the task list of Debian Med and tried to finish some (older) packages or created some new ones.

Finally the following packages made it first to “unstable” and after the release of Wheezy, they migrated to “testing” as well:
uc-echo – error correction algorithm designed for short-reads from NGS
python-clips – Python module to interface the CLIPS expert system shell library
visionegg – Python library for 2D/3D visual stimulus generation
qrisk2 – cardiovascular disease risk calculator

Further there are still some packages waiting in the NEW-queue
treeview – Java re-implementation of Michael Eisen’s TreeView
proalign – Probabilistic multiple alignment program

The month of May will be under the banner of bug fixing and new upstream releases. But in case any other package shall be part of Debian, just send an email to blog@alteholz.eu.