FTP master
As you might have read elsewhere, I am no longer an FTP assistant. I am very delighted about my new delegation as FTP master.
So this month I almost doubled the number of accepted packages to 385 packages and rejected 60 uploads. The overall number of packages that got accepted this month was 448.
Debian LTS
This was my forty first month that I did some work for the Debian LTS initiative, started by Raphael Hertzog at Freexian.
This month my all in all workload has been 13h. During that time I did LTS uploads of:
- [DLA 1188-1] libxml2 security update one CVE
- [DLA 1191-1] python-werkzeug security update one CVE
- [DLA 1192-1] libofx security update two CVEs
- [DLA 1195-1] curl security update one CVE
- [DLA 1194-1] libxml2 security update two CVEs
I also took care of an rsync issue and continued to work on wireshark.
Other stuff
During November I uploaded new upstream versions of …
- … libosmocore to experimental
- … libosmo-abis to experimental
- … ulfius that is needed by glewlwyd
- … glewlwyd
I also did uploads of …
- … openoverlayrouter to change the source package Section: and fix some problems in Ubuntu
- … duktape to not only provide a shared library but also a pkg-config file
- … astronomical-almanac to make Helmut happy and fix a FTCBFS where he also provided the patch
Last month I wrote about apcupsd as the DOPOM of October. Unfortunately in November was the next power outage due to some malfunction in a transformer station. I never would have guessed that such a malfunction can do so much harm within the power grid. Anyway, the power was back after 31 minutes and my batteries would have lasted 34 minutes before turning off all computer. At least my spec was correct :-).
The DOPOM for this month has been dateutils.
As it is again this time of the year, I would also like to draw some attention to the Debian Med Advent Calendar. Like the past years, the Debian Med team starts a bug squashing event from the December 1st to 24th. Every bug that is closed will be registered in the calendar. So instead of taking something from the calendar, this special one will be filled and at Christmas hopefully every Debian Med related bug is closed. Don’t hestitate, start to squash :-).
Last but not least I sponsored the upload of evqueue-core.