Wireless Shower Speaker

This is the time of the year, where more or less useful items change their owner. Though I don’t think that my singing in the shower sounds that terrible, I got a Wireless Shower Speaker. The model is SP0052W from LogiLink.

As I had some time between meals I read the user manual. It consists of one page with instructions in four languages. Half of the space is occupied by safety instructions. So I got my magnifying glass and read them carefully. Please note, it is for a Wireless Shower Speaker! Most of the instructions are about what I should not do with the device, among others:

  • Dont’t expose the device to water, moisture or high humidity.
  • Avoid direct contact with water.

I don’t know anybody from LogiLink but those guys must be real tough. At least the people from their product management are far from being wimps. But can they really enjoy their own devices under cold showers? Or maybe they already invented sonic showers for home use!?